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Reliable test solutions come from reliable chemistry. Leave no room for chance.

Reliable test solutions come from reliable chemistry. Leave no room for chance.

Library — A Little Light Reading, Perhaps?

Research and product development have always been at the forefront of our corporate ethos. In this section, you will find white papers, abstracts, methods and many other relevant scholarly articles. In particular, you will find an article by our Founder, Dr. Michael Pickering, that tells the story of how Pickering Laboratories, Inc. became a team of experts in this field of product testing. We invite you to learn more about the importance of high-quality solutions to aid in your consumer product testing or materials analysis.

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Brochure  ​

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Artificial Body Fluids for Product Testing Applications

Thank you for your interest in Pickering Laboratories, a leader in the design and manufacture of a formulated line of artificial perspiration, saliva and urine. To learn more about our available products, please download a PDF of our current product brochure.

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White Papers  ​

Perspiration Tests of Consumer ProductsOpens in a new window  (PDF)

By Michael Pickering, Ph.D., Pickering Laboratories


Testing laboratories are essential to economic growth. A rapidly developing global economy requires reproducibility. Eccrine perspiration can react with consumer products to cause health problem and reduce service life. There are many product tests that require artificial perspiration mixtures, but these mixtures don’t always approximate natural perspiration and none contain amino acids. Artificial perspiration is used to test bankcards, textiles, jewelry, leather, coating, fingerprint identification chemistry and many others. Analysis of natural perspiration can be used to produce an accurate artificial perspiration. Automating perspiration tests using an accurate perspiration mixture gives reproducibly.

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ISO 3160-2:2003  —  Watch-cases and Accessories — Gold Alloy Coverings — Part 2: Determination of Fineness, Thickness, Corrosion Resistance and AdhesionOpens in a new window


ISO 3160-2:2003 specifies methods to determine fineness, thickness, corrosion resistance and adhesion for gold alloy coverings on watch-cases and accessories, including bracelets when they are permanently attached to the case.

The tests apply only to significant surfaces. ISO 3160-2:2003 applies to all gold alloy coverings specified in ISO 3160-1.

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ISO 105-B07 : 2009  —  Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness –
Part B07: Colour Fastness to Light of Textiles Wetted with Artificial PerspirationOpens in a new window


ISO 105-B07:2009 specifies a method for determining the resistnace of the colour of texiles, of all kinds and in all forms, to the combined effect of wetting with acid or alkaline artificial perspiration solutions and an artificial lights source representing natural daylight.

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AATCC Test Method 15-2009 Colorfastness to PerspirationOpens in a new window

Developed in 1949 by AATCC Committee RA52; Transferred to Committee RA23 in 2006

Purpose and Scope

This test method is used to determine the fastness of colored textiles to the effects of acid perspiration. It is applicable to dyed, printed or otherwise colored textile fibers, yarns and fabrics of all kinds and to the testing of dyestuffs as applied to textiles. 1.2 Work by Committee RA52 showed this test will correlate with limited field studies. Prior to this there were acid and alkaline tests, however, as a result of these studies the alkaline test was eliminated.


A specimen of colored textile in contact with other fiber materials (for color transfer) is wet out in simulated acid perspiration solution, subjected to a fixed mechanical pressure and allowed to dry slowly at a slightly elevated temperature. After conditioning, the specimen is evaluated for color change and the other fiber materials are evaluated for color transfer.

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ISO 11640:2012 (IULTCS/IUF 450)  —  Leather — Tests for Colour Fastness — Colour Fastness to Cycles of To-and-Fro RubbingOpens in a new window


The principle of the method specified is rubbing one side of the leather to be tested with pieces of reference wool felt under a given pressure for a given number of forward and backward motions, assessing the change in color of the pieces of felt and of the leather with the grey scales. Any other visible change in or damage to the surface of the leather is also reported.

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ISO 11640:2012 (IULTCS/IUF 450)  —  Leather — Tests for Colour Fastness — Colour Fastness to Cycles of To-and-Fro RubbingOpens in a new window


The principle of the method specified is rubbing one side of the leather to be tested with pieces of reference wool felt under a given pressure for a given number of forward and backward motions, assessing the change in colour of the pieces of felt and of the leather with the grey scales. Any other visible change in or damage to the surface of the leather is also reported.

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DIN 53160-1 and DIN 53160-2  —  Determination of the Colourfastness of Articles for Common Use – Parts 1 and 2 Tests with Artificial Saliva and Artificial SweatOpens in a new window 


DIN 53160 is divided into two parts, specifying methods to test the colourfastness of articles to artificial saliva and artificial sweat, respectively.

The method specified in Part 1 is suitable for use on articles intended, or liable, to be taken into the mouth, whereas Part 2 is particularly suitable for those articles that are intended (or may) to come into contact with the skin.

The standards do not apply to articles that are intended to come into contact with foodstuffs or to articles or whose function is the release of colouring materials (such as wax crayons). The two test methods are applicable independent of the colouring procedure applied (e.g. dyeing, staining, coating). Possible mechanical wear (e.g. exposure of a coloured layer after mechanical abrasion of a finishing coat) is not taken into account.

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AFNOR-NF-S-91-141  —  Biodegradability of Dental Metal Alloys – Standardization of Electrochemical TestsOpens in a new window 


Artificial Saliva Artificial Saliva is prepared according to AFNOR NF S91- 141 standard procedure and is intended for testing biodegradability of dental metal alloys. The formulation consists of two parts that are mixed right before use. This minimizes changes in the solution during storage and allows for a longer shelf life. The pH of the solution after mixing is 7.8 +/- 0.1. The Artificial Saliva should be stored refrigerated both before and after mixing. Premixed, ready-to-use solution is available upon request.

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FUSAYAMA / MEYER ARTIFICIAL SALIVA  —  Electrochemical Behavior and pH Stability of Artificial Salivas for Corrosion Tests.Opens in a new window 


It is assumed that the compositions of artificial salivas are similar to that of human saliva. However, the use of solutions with different compositions in in vitro corrosion studies can lead dissimilar electrolytes to exhibit dissimilar corrosivity and electrochemical stability. This study evaluated four artificial salivas as regards pH stability with time, redox potentials and the polarization response of an inert platinum electrode. The tested solutions were: SAGF medium, Mondelli artificial saliva, UFRJ artificial saliva (prepared at the School of Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) and USP-RP artificial saliva (prepared at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil). It was observed that pH variations were less than 1 unit during a 50-hour test. The SAGF medium, and the UFRJ and USP-RP solutions exhibited more oxidizing characteristics, whereas the Mondelli solution presented reducing properties. Anodic polarization revealed oxidation of the evaluated electrolytes at potentials below +600 mV SCE. It was observed that the UFRJ and USP-RP solutions presented more intense oxidation and reduction processes as compared to the Mondelli and SAGF solutions.

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Press Releases  

Artificial Perspiration Assures Reproducible Testing (PDF)

By Michael Gottschalk, Pickering Laboratories  •  September 11, 2007

Pickering Laboratories, a leader in the design and manufacture of specialized analytical reagents, instruments and solutions for the environmental, pharmaceutical and biochemical laboratory markets, announced immediate availability of its newly formulated line of artificial eccrine perspiration.

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Holiday Closure

Notice of Holiday Closure: Pickering Labs will be Closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day. Normal business operations will resume on February 18th, 2025.